Are you looking to sell or get rid of a used mobile home? Does the mobile home have damage and may not be livable? This is a situation that many mobile home owners go through after their mobile home goes down to weather or wear and tear. Mobile homes, as many know, do not have as long of a life as usual homes unless they are maintained perfectly. Mobile homes and trailers often experience roof leaks, damage to siding, subfloor rot, and many other problems. Once the mobile home is no longer in livable conditions, you have a few options.
The best and easiest option is often to sell your mobile home to a company like us. We buy mobile homes all of the time that need work to them. Often they are still in movable condition even with some small repairs needed, and we can move them somewhere to be fixed. Sometimes we may need to repair the home to moveable standards and then move the home. Unfortunately, sometimes the home is too rough shape and it has to be torn down. Hopefully, one of the first two options is the case!
If you are looking to sell your mobile home for cash, give us a call (843)-900-1515 to set up an appointment for us to figure out a plan to get your mobile home gone for cash!